This prime-location rental property was a hidden gem suffering from mismanagement. Despite its exceptional characteristics and highly desirable neighborhood, it remained unrented for months due to a lack of attentiveness from the previous property manager, leaving the out-of-state owner frustrated and financially strained.
When we stepped in, we swiftly transformed the property’s trajectory. Within just one week of taking over management, we secured a tenant and gave the home a much-needed refresh, enhancing its timeless charm while addressing deferred maintenance that had been neglected under prior oversight.
By the second year, we achieved a record-breaking rental rate for the neighborhood. The increased cash flow not only covered the owner’s upfront costs for renovations but also turned the property into a highly profitable asset.
This turnaround showcases our commitment to strategic property management and maximizing returns for our clients—even from a distance. The result? A thriving, income-generating rental that’s now a cornerstone of our client’s portfolio.